To start to understand motivation you need to study motivation theory; like Maslow's hierarchy of need. Then apply those principles to the area of what you are trying to motivate. I have personally motivated productivity increase that also increase profits by over a million dollars a year. These increases in performance were created through monetary and non-monetary rewards. The levels of production were increased and stayed at high levels for over eight years until technology changed, and the process was ended. I believe those high levels of production would have been increased today. Incentive programs fail because management and process architects inadvertently motivate the incorrect behavior. The outcome is not a failure; the reward system is the failure. For instance, the car sales industry pays their people to sell cars, which the sales people do at almost any cost. I am theorizing if the salespeople were paid on how many times the customer returned then the experience would be different. The first HBR article is a magnificent treaty to the failure of improperly instituted management systems. The second article is an excellent walk through the facts that the correct environment will yield wonderful results. Motivation blossoms best in a world of ownership, responsibility and freedom.
The best way to figure out commissions is to account for all costs, then look at what can be paid. Then find out what the market can bare. If you can only pay $20,000 a year in commission you won't get a great sales person. If you can pay $50,000 a year in commissions you will get a decent sales person. If you can pay $250,000+ a year in commission you will get a great sales person.
This is really only a question for a company that has been in business for over a year and is making money. Once you are making money hire a good accountant that can set that up for you. Until you start to make money that question doesn't matter.
It depends on how much money you are making.
PHP is the most used. However, it is not the best. There are lots of resources for PHP to find to outsource development. Just be prepared for the Pareto principle, 20% of the resources are good 80% are not. Enjoy the adventure