As a sizeable health care company, we have lots of contracts. Some are in paper; some are electronic. For compliance and business reasons the organizaion will soon select and implement contract management system. I am just looking for a frame of reference to begin organizing our contracts in advance.
asked by Nathan71
I recently joined a healthcare company to set up and run its contract management function. While I have lots of contract management experience. The nuances of health care contract management are new to me. We have a lot of Business Associates Agreements (BAAs). Our team asks me for a new every time they start talking to a potential vendor or provider. I would like a better understanding of a BAA, but I also need to know when a Business Associates Agreement is required and once executed, how do I track it.
asked by halee71
We want to make our contracts more useful to managers throughout the company. Full text search of contract files does not actually help them get what they need because it often shows too many or too few results. Even if they find a useful provision, the manager still has to interpret the language, which is the job of our legal department. Is there a way to track provisions in a more structured and consistent manner that would show on a report? We would like to show the obligations or requirements across our contract portfolio.
asked by Maddy
With so many lease agreements for different pieces of equipment, it does not make sense to track our "lease agreements," because that is too general. We would like to distinguish the contracts or leases in some way other than by type of contract. They are still leases after all. Is there a way to track contracts by the type of equipment or subject of the contract?
asked by kc_3
We have contracts with regulated companies (health care). The contracts require us as a vendor to monitor and comply with laws that cover our work with our clients. Our client health care companies also have the right to review our performance and processes. I'm not sure how to perform or track compliance reviews related to a contract.
asked by halee71
I am new to contract management. Most of our contracts have fixed terms. But I've just learned that contract "auto-renewed" without anyone on our team knowing about it. How can I figure out whether a contract is auto-renewing?
asked by mmodero